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Welcome to our blog! At Aegis Dental Group and Angola Dental Center, we’re committed to providing you with the latest insights and tips to help you maintain optimal oral health and achieve the smile of your dreams. From preventative care tips to the latest advancements in cosmetic dentistry, our experts are here to guide you through all aspects of dental care.

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Retainers vs Braces: What You Need To Know

Retainers vs Braces: What You Need To Know

Having a misaligned jaw and set of teeth is common. Some of their usual causes are genetics,disease, or injury. Having these issues checked by an orthodontist is ideal, as they can affectyour ability to talk and eat. Thankfully, these problems are treatable by wearing...

Home Remedies for Cleaning Dentures

Home Remedies for Cleaning Dentures

Dentures are helpful devices in not only achieving a beautiful smile but also in maintaining your facial structure. For most people, it is a tool they rely on because they wouldn’t be able to eat or talk properly without them. Although dentures are instruments that...

3 Ways To Finance Your Dentures

3 Ways To Finance Your Dentures

Many people have a unique dental condition. Some may have their jaws misaligned, while others may have lost a tooth or teeth due to an injury or a disease. Tooth loss is a common problem that needs a solution, as it can affect how you speak or eat. One of the usual...

Tips on Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

Tips on Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

One of the body changes that most people go through around the ages of 17 to 21 is developing wisdom teeth. These four permanent adult teeth are also known as your third molars and often found in the back corners of your mouth. But for most people, these teeth require...

3 Dental Implant Myths: Debunked

3 Dental Implant Myths: Debunked

Tooth loss is a common dental issue many people experience. It usually happens because of some risk factors like old age, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and dental disease. If this problem happens to you, there are many ways for you to overcome it. One of them is to get...

Should You Use an Electric Toothbrush?

Should You Use an Electric Toothbrush?

Brushing your teeth regularly is crucial in maintaining healthy oral hygiene. To do it properly, you need to find the right toothbrush. There are many kinds of toothbrushes, and each of them is designed with a particular purpose. One of these options is an electric...