Why Do Dental Crowns Fall Out?
root canal treatment

Dental crowns are a common solution for decayed or damaged teeth. In fact, 15 million people throughout the nation have crowns and bridges to restore function to their teeth. But while crowns are meant to be a long-term solution, often lasting a decade or longer, they’re not indestructible. In some cases, dental crowns may actually fall out, which can cause many patients to panic. While this is certainly a good reason to take a trip to an emergency dentist in your area, you may wonder what actually caused this event to happen at all. Below are a few factors that may make your dental crown more likely to fall out. Armed with this information, you can take steps to prevent this situation from occurring and subsequently safeguard your ongoing oral health.

Here’s Why Your Dental Crown Might Have Fallen Out…

  • Decay: A crown does not make a given tooth invincible; it’s possible for the tooth that’s being protected to decay further, particularly if a patient does not practice proper oral hygiene habits. Failing to brush and floss around the crown on a daily basis can allow bacteria to cause decay. Your dentist will need to assess whether the tooth in question can still hold a crown. If so, you’ll need a new one made.
  • Diet: Sticky and chewy foods can wreak havoc on your teeth — and that’s especially true if you have a crown. Stickier foods can gradually loosen your crown or even grab hold of it and pull it loose. As a general rule, anyone with a temporary crown should avoid chewing gum, soft caramels, chewy candies, and other similar foods as much as possible. While these foods might not present as much of a problem for those with permanent crowns, it’s still possible that these foods can cause problems.
  • Materials: In rare cases, a dentist might accidentally use bad dental cement to solidify the crown’s position. Like many other materials, dental cement can become contaminated. This contamination can result in a poor bond, which could cause your crown to come loose. This is a relatively easy fix — you’ll simply need to visit a dentist to have the crown recemented.
  • Stress: Did you know that high-stress levels can cause dental issues? If you have nervous habits like chewing on ice cubes or you grind your teeth during the night, these repetitive and damaging motions might cause your crown to fall out. What’s more, they can lead to a chipped tooth or exacerbate conditions like TMJ. Wearing a night guard and being conscious of your dental habits can help, though reducing the source of your anxiety will also provide physical and mental relief.

In the majority of cases, you should never have to worry about a permanent crown suddenly falling out. However, you’ll want to do everything you can to prevent this scenario. By avoiding troublesome foods, practicing healthy habits, reducing stress, and visiting your dental care professional on a regular basis, you can keep your mouth in tip-top shape and ensure your crown won’t cause any problems.