Dental Bridges and Other Restoration Options

Dental Bridges and Other Restoration Options

Dental issues can impact every area of your life, dental bridges, dental crowns, dental implants, and high-quality dental care can help to improve your oral health, and how you feel about your smile. The right dental care can be a game-changer for you. Broken,...
Sugar, Its Many Aliases, and Your Teeth

Sugar, Its Many Aliases, and Your Teeth

WHAT COMES TO MIND when you hear the word “sugar”? Probably your favorite type of candy or dessert, maybe your favorite soda. You probably didn’t picture barbecue sauce, granola bars, flavored yogurt, or fruit juice, but all of these and plenty more foods you...
Gum Recession: Minimizing Your Risks

Gum Recession: Minimizing Your Risks

THE EXPRESSION “getting long in the tooth” refers to gum recession, but this oral health problem isn’t necessarily connected to age. Gum recession is when the edge of the gingival tissue moves away from the crown of the tooth, exposing the root. The reason we tend to...

Teeth-Friendly Halloween Treats

HALLOWEEN IS A TON OF fun every year, and it’s right around the corner! We love the costumes, the decorations, and the local events, but we’re a little wary of all that candy. Sugar isn’t just tasty to us; the harmful bacteria in our mouths love it. If you want...
4 Signs It May Be Time For Dentures

4 Signs It May Be Time For Dentures

Dentures are prosthetic devices that are made to replace missing teeth. Conventional dentures can be removed and cleaned when needed, but there are many denture designs to suit your needs. But how do you know when it’s time to consider dentures as a...