Tooth Extraction at Aegis Dental Group and Angola Dental Center

Indiana tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure we do here at Aegis Dental Group and Angola Dental Center. Whether it’s because of gum disease causing decay and infection or impacted teeth messing with the alignment and health of nearby teeth, our dental team can handle it. We’ll take care of these issues quickly and efficiently to ease your pain and stop any further problems.

Why Tooth Extraction May Be Necessary

Tooth removal isn’t only for those experiencing pain. Here are common reasons for recommending a tooth extraction:

Periodontal Disease: This infection of the gums can extend to the teeth, causing decay and pain. Early removal of affected teeth can prevent further spread of the disease.

Impacted Teeth: Teeth that fail to emerge properly can crowd or damage adjacent teeth and may not cause immediate pain but pose long-term risks.

Overcrowding: Removing one or more teeth can help align the remaining teeth properly, especially in preparation for orthodontics.

surgical tooth extraction

Types of Tooth Extractions

We offer two main types of tooth extraction procedures tailored to the complexity of the case:

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Simple Tooth Extraction

This procedure is performed on teeth that are visible and easily accessible in the mouth. The dentist loosens and removes the tooth after applying local anesthesia to ensure comfort. The area may be sutured, and post-operative care instructions are given to promote healing. This method is often suitable for teeth that are decayed, damaged, or causing overcrowding.


Surgical Tooth Extraction

Used for teeth that are not easily accessible, such as impacted teeth or those with complex root structures. This procedure might involve sectioning the tooth, removing bone, or cutting gums to extract the tooth effectively. General anesthesia or sedation may be employed to maximize comfort. Due to the complexity, surgical extractions require meticulous post-operative care to ensure optimal healing.

types of tooth extractions

Determining the Need for a Tooth Extraction

Deciding to remove a tooth is a big deal and we take it seriously. If you’re dealing with serious pain, noticeable decay, or damage, it could be time to think about extraction.

Get in touch with us for a consultation. Our dentists will check out your dental health, talk about any symptoms you’re having, and suggest the best treatment, including whether you need a tooth pulled.

If you’re in a lot of pain or think you might need an urgent extraction, we’ve got you covered. Our practices are set up to handle emergencies and we’ll take care of you right away.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Don’t let dental pain compromise your quality of life. Whether you need an urgent tooth extraction or want to consult about potential dental issues, Aegis Dental Group and Angola Dental Center are here to provide expert care and support. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free smile.