Have a Mouth-Healthy Halloween

DON’T FORGET TO take care of your teeth this Halloween! Check out our new blog post for a guide on which candies are best for oral health.

Sugar vs Our Teeth

dental care

SUGAR IS THE GREATEST nemesis of the dental profession and anyone who wants to maintain a healthy smile. Why? Because the harmful bacteria in our mouths love to eat it, then excrete acid onto our teeth as a waste product. It can lead to enamel erosion, tooth decay, and gum disease. This is why we encourage … Read more

Be Careful of Oral Health Fads


GENERALLY SPEAKING, INFLUENCERS are not a great source of health advice. One person’s experience with a technique or product is not going to be universal, and real understanding of the way the human body works comes from years of study and training, not a quick google search. With that in mind, there are a few specific … Read more

White Spots and Other Dental Stains


WE ALL WANT white, straight, beautiful teeth so that we can dazzle everyone with our smiles. Unfortunately, sometimes dental stains can get in the way of this goal, and they come in several different types. Let’s take a look at a few of the main types of tooth stains and how they happen. Fluorosis Sometimes white … Read more

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants

MODERN DENTISTRY IS incredible. Tooth decay, accidents, and injuries that once would have left someone with a gap in their smile that they could never fill can now be treated so that everything looks and works about as good as new. In many cases, those teeth can even be saved through root canal therapy. When that … Read more

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